YO Good morning!
The job that Tina has is pretty cool you sit on the computer and just type stuff the job that would be good for me is doctor but I'm still finding out. I Mean if the music or skating don't work I'm gonna go in to school and become a doctor at lease they get paid a lot of money$. i mean i need to keep the family tradition and become something that people can't do everyday. If i would become a doctor i would be a doctor that does plastic surgery or a doctor that goes inside someone and replace some stuff. I heard they paid a lot, buy a hummer get a hott Gurlfren you feeling me. But i thing being a MT is pretty cool but they probably don;t get paid a lot. So Thats pretty much what i got To say So PeACe!!!!!! .....LAKA1-Chase

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Re'sume' 101
Sup!!! DAwg I really need to do some things to put my resume together. I have some accomplishments like i was captain of the baseball team when i was in jr high in New Mexico. My mom tells me to do something in high school so it would look good on my resume but i always think shes messing around . I guess shes serious, I'm going to start to do stuff at this school i can put this stuff on there thats kool huh. Right??? All I have to say is Watch Out Greyhills!!!! I'm makin' a name for my self...{Peace!}..... LAKA1-chase
Friday, November 9, 2007
Careers In The Great Outdoors
U know it must be fun working outdoors, i think theirs alot of jobs that have to be outdoors related. I would probly like to be something like that lady or that dude it must be cool. The lamest job must be making sure that the football field is leveled and no rocks they probly dont pay that much for that job. Or some other jobs i would probly like is a pro skateboarder or something like a digger for old stuff, stuff like that would be cool. Make alot of $$$$ MOney!!!!!!!!!! Peace ......LAKA1-chase
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A Pass On Grades
Sup LAKA1-Chase Back up in DA HOUSE!!!!
I Think this grading system that the school is using is really cool i wish MY school was like that. I think that what the professor said about the grading system that it help more with the relationship with the student and the teacher. I gives the student more confidence to do his work you can't do with just A,B,C,D, and F,s.
Well Thats all i have to say i know its short but its a short article so PEACE! .....LAKA1-CHASE
I Think this grading system that the school is using is really cool i wish MY school was like that. I think that what the professor said about the grading system that it help more with the relationship with the student and the teacher. I gives the student more confidence to do his work you can't do with just A,B,C,D, and F,s.
Well Thats all i have to say i know its short but its a short article so PEACE! .....LAKA1-CHASE
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Where Do i Go With Speech And Debate????
Wat up and Good Morning
This Morning's article is about where speeches and debating can talk and they list 2 full pages of jobs that involve speeches, debating. There is government that you can go into, like you notice that all of the presidents and people like that are always debating on different kinda things. Mostly they are are always communicating with different people trying to make them more recognized so people would rather vote for them. There is also acting that yo u can go into that involves a lot of talking and your talking must always be clear, so people can understand you. Another talking job is sales, i mean you can be saling anything, That also involves a lot of talking you gotta talk like your trying your best to sell the stuff you got. If you want a job you gotta have a good speech background. Another job that people gotta understand you is broadcasting like a baseball game or on national TV Eya!!!! You can also be a newscaster, you gotta speak clear the microphone is also hard to talk in. Well i ran out of time gotta do my outline now so Peace! LAKAIchase
This Morning's article is about where speeches and debating can talk and they list 2 full pages of jobs that involve speeches, debating. There is government that you can go into, like you notice that all of the presidents and people like that are always debating on different kinda things. Mostly they are are always communicating with different people trying to make them more recognized so people would rather vote for them. There is also acting that yo u can go into that involves a lot of talking and your talking must always be clear, so people can understand you. Another talking job is sales, i mean you can be saling anything, That also involves a lot of talking you gotta talk like your trying your best to sell the stuff you got. If you want a job you gotta have a good speech background. Another job that people gotta understand you is broadcasting like a baseball game or on national TV Eya!!!! You can also be a newscaster, you gotta speak clear the microphone is also hard to talk in. Well i ran out of time gotta do my outline now so Peace! LAKAIchase
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Setting Her Siites
Yo wad up good morning
This morning i read a article about a collage grad that made her own website called "REVIEWED.COM". She is the Chief executive officer (CEO) of her own business , also she kept with her job as a CEO through out her high school and collage years. When she was younger she used to make websites just for fun with a computer book to guide her. I went to her website and it was a website that they do a review on any electronic device, How good it woks you know stuff like that. When she was in school she had employees that did the work for her and she said " I really learned how to rely on my employees......". Yea so nothing else to say I'm Troy Peace Out!!!
This morning i read a article about a collage grad that made her own website called "REVIEWED.COM". She is the Chief executive officer (CEO) of her own business , also she kept with her job as a CEO through out her high school and collage years. When she was younger she used to make websites just for fun with a computer book to guide her. I went to her website and it was a website that they do a review on any electronic device, How good it woks you know stuff like that. When she was in school she had employees that did the work for her and she said " I really learned how to rely on my employees......". Yea so nothing else to say I'm Troy Peace Out!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Workin' On The Railroad
Thus article was about people that work on the train going to New York, they talked about what they had to do and different stories. They told about 911 and how they help the people that where covered in ashes. They have two, four hour shifts. They work in the morning and there off for four hours during the day so they can do what they do, then go back and work in the afternoon. On the job the conductor's job is to make sure the passenger is comfortable and making sure that they get a safe ride. The thing that you have to have to make it in the train stuff is be a multitasker, you got to be able to talk on the phone, talk on the radio, and flip switches. Well i have to say railroading ain't that hard. See ya 2morrow! Peace!! ......lAKAIchase
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Building Pages
Thus article is about Alison Walsh and she has a job working for the-N.com. She makes sure that everything is up to date and that the quizzes are update. She said "she was a geek that work 24/7 day and night". If there was a glitch she had to go in a fix it because she was like a main person in business. She talks about things that are not that hard and things that are hard, she said its not that easy to keep up with all this new technology going on. But She really likes her job and i hope she stays with it. WORD 2 Ur MOther! IM out peace Go head switch the style up and if they hate then let them hate and watch the money pile up.......DGKchase
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Protect The Digital Frontier
Thus article was about hackers that hack into really top secret stuff. They were talking about different people that hack or either got arrest killing someone. The one they start with is 20-year-old high school drop-out Jeanson James Ancheta for affecting 400,000 computers and then rented a botnet to anyone that had a paypal amount. And then he was later caught(arrested) and is now serving 4-6 years in jail. Then they talked about a lot of the people in a underground hacking group when to china and the US thought that the china government was sponsoring all of the computer hacking and trying to get files. So thats all i have to say bout this article so peace im out .........DGKbilly
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
'Net Working
Thus article was about a musician that goes on the internet to find jobs and get gigs at different places and they also got in to getting jobs on the internet. They told stories about different other people and how they'd got a job on the internet, the job corp. asks for your own website that you created but they said you gotta check out the hobbies and all that first. They told a story about this guy that tried to get a job but the company when to his website and saw his hobbies and it said smokin' blunts with the homies so he didn't get the job. They said you shouldn't put that kinda stuff on your website mostly when your trying to get a job. So Thats all i have to say bout this stuff so see YA laater Peace!!!......DGKChase
Monday, October 1, 2007
Career World 411
Jacob's cool Computer Program
Thus article is about a boy that fixed up computers and then gave them to people that didn't have any computers. A lot of people in this world don't really have computers that have access to the internet so thus boy found out that his school is throwing 30 old computers away. So, he though that he could that all of them and then fix them up, give them to people that have no Computers. So thats all it tells about him he did receive the brick award. And had his face on every Doritos bag in the U.S.A.....So thats all i have to say about him....
Web-search Woes
This article is about high school and how smarter students get a better education, how they can create sites. They say that 40% of students came up with more research about left hand stuff. They also say that some of there students must change and need help with there hand Writing.... So all i have to say ran out of time again miss Yazzie gonna lock the internet So peace......DGKbilly
Thus article is about a boy that fixed up computers and then gave them to people that didn't have any computers. A lot of people in this world don't really have computers that have access to the internet so thus boy found out that his school is throwing 30 old computers away. So, he though that he could that all of them and then fix them up, give them to people that have no Computers. So thats all it tells about him he did receive the brick award. And had his face on every Doritos bag in the U.S.A.....So thats all i have to say about him....
Web-search Woes
This article is about high school and how smarter students get a better education, how they can create sites. They say that 40% of students came up with more research about left hand stuff. They also say that some of there students must change and need help with there hand Writing.... So all i have to say ran out of time again miss Yazzie gonna lock the internet So peace......DGKbilly
Friday, September 28, 2007
Pages 3, and 5 In Da New Career World
Mom Is My Copilot
Thus article was about teens that want there parents hovering around them when they are writing there essay for a collage. They say more than 1,700 students like there parents around when they are doing that kind of stuff. They also talk a little about involvement with teens and there parents helping them prepare for it.
Lights! Camera! Action!!
This article was about people on you-tube and other sites like that are making more and more movies or clips. That stuff is making them money and getting them jobs, some of them are amateur film makers. This kind of stuff other people that are giving the jobs are serious about and do not kid around, they said it is not for your friends its for you. Also you have to have creativity with professionalism, trying to be original can backfire sometimes so don't do any of that stuff. So thats all i have to say bout this stuff so peace out!!!....DGKbilly
Thus article was about teens that want there parents hovering around them when they are writing there essay for a collage. They say more than 1,700 students like there parents around when they are doing that kind of stuff. They also talk a little about involvement with teens and there parents helping them prepare for it.
Lights! Camera! Action!!
This article was about people on you-tube and other sites like that are making more and more movies or clips. That stuff is making them money and getting them jobs, some of them are amateur film makers. This kind of stuff other people that are giving the jobs are serious about and do not kid around, they said it is not for your friends its for you. Also you have to have creativity with professionalism, trying to be original can backfire sometimes so don't do any of that stuff. So thats all i have to say bout this stuff so peace out!!!....DGKbilly
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Whats New Interview???
Thus article is about job interviews and the traditional, technological, panel, working, stress, and behavioral/situational interviews. Well, first off is the regular traditional way, this includes just going in, talking to the boss and a week later you'll see if you have the job or not. A technological interview is a interview over the internet o IM messaging, or e-mail, and by over the phone. But the number one thing you don't do over the internet or IM, you don't use those lol, haha...Etc. Or else the boss might think your to childish for this job and he wont hire you. A panel interview is when a bunch of your co-workers and have the fate of your job in there hands. But you just gotta keep cool and positive and keep eye contact with all of the people around you don't get stressed. A working interview is when you actually work in the job and by your performance the boss decides if you get the job our not. A stress interview is for a clerk position and it is when the boss is just not paying attention to you, keeps rolling his eyes and for this your just gotta keep to yourself, don't get stressed if you do. He well not hired you because you can not handle customers like this. Last in the list is the behavioral/ situational interview this is when the boss makes up stories like a robbery or a bad and mad co-worker. So it says to answer the question quick to be quick and try to keep it like a story... SO we went threw all of the interview so see you guys next month....DGKbilly
Where Do I Go With Biology??
Aight.. First of biology can take you anywhere like you can become a genetic counselor, that career involves working with families to analyze the risk of birth effects. I really liked this article because it tells a lot of what you can become if you take the biology class in high school and through out collage. You can become a science/technical editor for a book or a magazine. There are a lot of careers that you can go in to like environmental lawyer, and a nurse. But the most important one out of all of them is the science teachers they are the ones that help you get through your career they teached you everything you know. My mom is a nurse and i know she is very good at math, and science. Also my grandma is a nurse and shes good at science but shes kinda losing it at math hahaha..jk grandma. So my gma told me to find a girl that is gonna become a nurse or doctor to keep the family tradition alive.... So all i have to say Peace......DGKbilly
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Earth-Friendly Clothes?
This article is about earth-friendly clothes that are made from recycled stuff. Hwa is a lady that makes the clothes, she is a trained from New York Fashion Institute Of Technology, her clothing line is called royale and the definition is to the environment and to style so that tells it all. It also says that she search Google for suppliers. So she also found some stuff in new jersey something bout bamboo and that can be made to clothes also, she pick them to supply her and know her clothing line has been going good for 2 years.... So thats all i have to say peace....DGKbilly!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Creative? You? YES!!!
Thus, article is about being creative and some people say that they aren't creative but anytime you create a playlist on i-tunes or construct a page on myspace what is that called. There is no gene for creating something like a kid from waterbury, conn. he said that he couldn't create anythang but he made a car that runs on water and electricity. And guess what he took 1st place in the science fair for high school he was so happy. So everybody has a little creativity in them, Now me i have a lot of that stuff so im cool haha well thats all i got to say ran out of time so peace!!!!....DGKbilly
Monday, September 24, 2007
Major-ly Unique
This is article is all about majoring in something like going to collage and getting a degree in making toys. On this article they are talking about going big in collage and making, designing toys for little kids. How they got hired in these big toy factories. People talking about how they should have more organic foods and why they don't have that much no more. Also they talk about horses and about a girl that really likes them and trains them. And, how she majored in horse training. So thats all its about and Peace!!!! ......DGKbilly
Friday, September 21, 2007
Yo this article was about people that deliver mail for a living they said it ain't really that hard once you get used to it, it gets easy. They Also, mentioned that Dudar has being working with USPS since 1985 and he has been loving it since. After high school he wanted a full-time job, so his buddies said that there was a opening down at the post office. Over 80% of job openings are with a exam that you have to pass in order to get that job. So that all i have to say this article wasn't that interesting so Peace Ya!!!!.....DGKbilly
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Mapping your Future article
This article was about making maps and talking about the global positioning system. The workers say if your gonna choose this job you gotta take as many global classes in high school and some computer classes. Also, you got to be good at algebra and he said that there is a lot of job openings that haven't been filled yet and they can't find enough men to fill them. The other stuff they were talking about was google earth and you can look up any road or look at all the land scape next to the roads. So thats all i have to say about this is wasn't really that interesting. DGKbilly Peace.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Career World Reading
The article i read was about a teacher that has his own 5th grade class. It tells about what made him become a teacher and when he decide to become one. He said the first year of teaching is very hard and confusing he didn't know how to use the copy machine. He also raps in class to the students and he says it is a good idea, the students really learn from it and the students call him the Jay-Z of welcome elementary.
He said the hardest part of being a teacher is trying to pull the kids that don't really get the good grades. Also, doing all of the paper work, dealing with the administrative stuff. He says it is all about time management, when you are dealing with grading papers. You barley have enough time to do all of your stuff. But, mostly you got to have a good memory on what you did on that day. He says if you stay passionate and positive good things well come your way.
He said the hardest part of being a teacher is trying to pull the kids that don't really get the good grades. Also, doing all of the paper work, dealing with the administrative stuff. He says it is all about time management, when you are dealing with grading papers. You barley have enough time to do all of your stuff. But, mostly you got to have a good memory on what you did on that day. He says if you stay passionate and positive good things well come your way.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Web Design
I really like this class because i get to learn new things like the photo shop thing i didn't know one thing about but the French students taught us how to make our names covered in flames and how to put people's pictures together. but what i don't really like is all of the steps that you have to do and all the layers you have to use.
But i really like this class because i'm really in to computers and all that.
But i really like this class because i'm really in to computers and all that.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
My Weekend
This weekend i went back home to New Mexico. I went to the mall and bought some new shoes just for picture day, i was thinking all weekend of what i was gonna wear.After thinking we watched a movie, went back to the house chilled out for 2 hours. Then i went to Chinle went to wildcat den watched some UFC till 9 o'clock stop at mustang got some drinks and when home. The next day i washed all of my dirty clothes then got ready to come back here. Finally left met my grandma in keams canyon drove back here, ate at taco bell went back to the dorm went to sleep and now im in class writing my blog. And thats all i did over my weekend.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Kanye West vs. 50 Cent
Kanye West was born june 8, 1977 in Atlanta, GA. He lived there till he was 11 years old then his parents got divorced. Him and his mom move up to Chicago, Illinios. That is where he went to high school and when he finish he went to Chicago State University. He dropped out of collage to work on his music career then after he started making money his mom quit his job and became his manger. He became famous when he produced signles for Jay-Z, Common, Mobb Deep, Jermaine Dupri, The Game, Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson, Eminem and John Legend. Then he got signed to Jay-Z's record label Roca-Fella records, he has 4 albums out right now.
50 cent
50 cent was born july 6, 1975 in South Jamica, Queens in New York city. He grew up without a father and his mom gave birth to him at age 15. His mom was a drug dealer and raised him till he was 8 then his mom was murdered. So he moved in with his grandma, his 8 aunts and uncles. he was arrested for selling cocaine and he was arrested again when the police searched his house and found heroin. So he was sentence to 9 years in jail but got out on 6 six because he said to go to bootcamp so he got his GED over there. After he got out he met jam master jay, learned hoe to count bars, and write choruses. Then he got signed to columbia recoords so they sent him to upstate new york and he recorded 26 songs in two weeks. He made up G-Unit in 2000 and recorded 3 albums. After that he was shot 9 times outside of his grandma's house and rushed to the hospital and spent 3 weeks in recovery, he was shot in in the hand (a round hit his right thumb and came out of his pinky), arm, hip, both legs, chest, and left cheek. He then became famous and has 9 albums out.
So all this is about is both of them have albums that come out in september and they are battling over who is gonna have the better one. I think kanye west will have the best album because he is more smarter then most of the rappers. So let me see what you think. COMMENT ON THIS BLOG!!! peace im out.
50 cent
50 cent was born july 6, 1975 in South Jamica, Queens in New York city. He grew up without a father and his mom gave birth to him at age 15. His mom was a drug dealer and raised him till he was 8 then his mom was murdered. So he moved in with his grandma, his 8 aunts and uncles. he was arrested for selling cocaine and he was arrested again when the police searched his house and found heroin. So he was sentence to 9 years in jail but got out on 6 six because he said to go to bootcamp so he got his GED over there. After he got out he met jam master jay, learned hoe to count bars, and write choruses. Then he got signed to columbia recoords so they sent him to upstate new york and he recorded 26 songs in two weeks. He made up G-Unit in 2000 and recorded 3 albums. After that he was shot 9 times outside of his grandma's house and rushed to the hospital and spent 3 weeks in recovery, he was shot in in the hand (a round hit his right thumb and came out of his pinky), arm, hip, both legs, chest, and left cheek. He then became famous and has 9 albums out.
So all this is about is both of them have albums that come out in september and they are battling over who is gonna have the better one. I think kanye west will have the best album because he is more smarter then most of the rappers. So let me see what you think. COMMENT ON THIS BLOG!!! peace im out.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I'm learning a lot of stuff with computers and all the controls how to make letters bold or turning them into links that you can click on go to the website it is cool. (FRESH!!!)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I live in window Rock?? I dont know what to do im doing this for my class web design. ahhh.. three french guys came in from france to help us do all of this stuff you know how it is. rocking and rolling hahahah PEACE!!!!
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