
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Eye Of the Storm!!!
War Cries!!
Here's The Ticket!!
John McCain is just some old army guy he doesn't care about changing the country or nothing like that all he cares about is the war in Iraq. He just wants to try to win the war, all he ever talks about is about how he was a war hero and all that crap. That's all Amercia wants to know?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A Growing Field!
A New row to hoe! This talks about how farming is not for everyone because it is were you live and you can take days of because your in charge of everything. A little web site they put together is called Opportunities on organic farms or the URL is This 17 year old student is planned to do 3 months in France to learn about growing crops in different climates. I think farming is easy because you don’t really need any skills accept for hardworking and not being afraid to get your hands dirty.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Caring for the BIG guyz!
Monday, October 27, 2008
You are what you e-mail
Navigating the College Fair!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Top Floor, Please!
The very last section of the article tells that the hotel bissness is really hard when the workers get sick and the hotel gets busy. They say that the best people who can work hard and can multitask and love it are more likely to succed. when people have no problem about working in the hotel can be called in anytime and then be busy all day. i betcha anything that it gets very tiring and makes you wanna quit but chu got stick in there and be tough!!! so thats pretty much i gotta say peace have a good Weekend i sure will :)!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Face Off!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Future Fibers!
Fly High!
The second section Testing, Testing! is about a lady named Capt. Heather Ross, she is a tester pilot for her company that makes plane and plane crap. She flys 9-10 hours a day depending on what she is testing. She says" there are alot of opportunies in the aviation bussiness". She also says its good to take all the required classes in high school.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Prescription for Success!
Game on!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Gobs of Green Jobs
This article is just about the jobs people can get when they go green and stuff. It talks about different jobs that help the community and at the same time save the world. Some of the jobs I would be interested in doing is a Conservation biologists and a Alternative energy specialists. One of the jobs I think I would like is the conservation biologists because I would be helping the little animals and the plants from harmful toxic material that probably found in a dump or a old abandoned house out in middle of nowhere. I think that more of the people in the
But most of all I think this article is about the people and there cool butt jobs that help the world. In the last part of the article they talk about how the future and the green jobs will be more different then the ones they got today. They said that in the future they well have brand new jobs and technicians that any of them has ever dream about.