


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Growing Field!

This is article bout a struggling farmer that was no days off in the business he is in. He plants vegetables and all this and during the winter time he makes his own soap, that’s freaking weird. The income for the average farmer is 15,603 not counting government subsidies. The number of the acres sold to farmers has increased from 170,071 to 488,340. That’s freaking crazy yo! The CCOF said that California’s organic farming rose by 20 percent. To become one of these organic farmers you have to be certified and follow a list of rules. The best way to become one is to work on a farm. In 2007, Michigan state university launched a one-year organic farming certificate program.
A New row to hoe! This talks about how farming is not for everyone because it is were you live and you can take days of because your in charge of everything. A little web site they put together is called Opportunities on organic farms or the URL is This 17 year old student is planned to do 3 months in France to learn about growing crops in different climates. I think farming is easy because you don’t really need any skills accept for hardworking and not being afraid to get your hands dirty.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Caring for the BIG guyz!

This is article is about vets that take care of bigger animals like horses cows. They tell about a guy that is helping a horse recover from a unsuccessful birth when her baby got stuck while she was giving birth. They said that the horses have a chemical that releases when they feel pain to make em' chill so they can stay still. He said he had a bad experience with horses when one just freaked out! and went krazy. so he gets hit with a hoof and falls down. thats when he learns that even when a horse is train they can still freak out and go krazy. They were also talking about how they treat any kinda animal big or small. thats pretty cool and they make good pay. The average students graduating from vet school is 2,700 a year. So the people wanting to become vets are actually pursuing there dreams and following them little kids HAHA! jk The the pay is pretty nazoni! SO MAYBE imma become a vet. Still deciding yo :) i just dont wanna get kick in the head like that dude did. idk! but im sure to keep you guys updated. so Peace Nukka!

Monday, October 27, 2008

You are what you e-mail

This article tells about how the e-mailing business is over ruling the text messages and stuff like that. It says it rose like 25 % over the past years. They say a lot of the businesses use the E-mail stuff while at work to commutate with the stuff they do. They also have a list of tips to help you out while you are sending an e-mail I guess. Lead with the most important topic, proofread, respond quickly, and cover only one topic in your e-mail. They show you what a not-so-effective and an effective e-mail is in the last page in the article.

Navigating the College Fair!

This article was about college fairs they have in school gyms, convention centers, and different places like that. The high school students that go will find local or nation wide colleges. But they got a lot of choices to choose from. Some fairs have little college booths that will ask for information about you. So some are all upgraded with computers at the first part, they print out your name and info in little tiny barcode. That’s sort of high tech but not really. It also tells about some kid that is graduating and is looking for a college that has stuff in common with him and one that has a great swimming program. And he has a college in view the one in boulder I think it says? They also say that it is good not to bring your parents because they get in the way of everything. They don’t know what you want to do, take charge and go by yourself, and that means ask questions that you want to ask. In the end all of them pick a college that suits them and have common in there, but the bad thing I think is the drinking and parties going on. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

Top Floor, Please!

This article is pretty much about the people's stoiries of how they got to were they are now. and about different hotels they all work at before they gone away and did there own thing. the first section in the article tells about a chick that loves her job and whats to make her own hotel. so she works her way all the way up to the manger and after work extra hard and got a manger part mostly the whole hotel. They say the people interested in the hotel bussiness well really increase to the 2006-2016. And thats when the big bucks come rolling in.

The very last section of the article tells that the hotel bissness is really hard when the workers get sick and the hotel gets busy. They say that the best people who can work hard and can multitask and love it are more likely to succed. when people have no problem about working in the hotel can be called in anytime and then be busy all day. i betcha anything that it gets very tiring and makes you wanna quit but chu got stick in there and be tough!!! so thats pretty much i gotta say peace have a good Weekend i sure will :)!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Face Off!

This article is mostly about Obama and McCain both are running for president. This tells mostly about what the presidents said and what they are going to do when they become president. It tells about the Economy and how some of the banks are going broke or going out of business because the loans they give cannot be paid back. The Food prices have shoot up, and the gas prices are crazy! This article is like an opinion kind of thing because it tells what the public thinks who would be better at handling situations and the crisis’s going on. The U.S.A. is in war right now and the people think that McCain would handle the war better then Obama. But Obama says after 18 months of taking office he would pull troops out of the war and try to stop the war. He also says that the war is taking to much money, an estimation of $648 billion so far. Also the energy is going to a global STOP!! The gas prices shoot up to over 4 bucks in June this year. The oil prices are at an all time high, the people think that Obama would handle the energy problem better than McCain. In conclusion I think that Obama has a better chance of winning the election because he overrules McCain in the subjects in the article by 1-2. So I would vote for Obama!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Future Fibers!

This is article about the different kind of fibers and the kind of different jobs they have when go into the medical and subscribing drugs. Some of the people who handle and do that kinda stuff are people that work in walgreens or wal mart. You know like the pharmancy centers that these people go to pick up there meds and crap. They also have a little interview inside the article which talks about the daily jobs and stuff they go through while on the job. They say some people make mistakes and give the wrong meds to the wrong person, and i bet it gets pretty confusing.

Fly High!

The first section of this article is about a man named Barrinton Irving that works for his parents. One day a captain of the United Airlines comes in his parents shop and talks to him about careers in becoming a pilot. So the capt. Gives him all the info to him, gets that information that is need to become a pilot. So he gets his parents permission and goes off during his days off to meet up with the capt. he gets inrested in the piloting stuff. He trains on a microsoftware on the computer. After enough training he wants to do a little tour of the world, so he gets the companies to donate spare airplane parts to him. He builds a plane and starts his jjourney. He makes it and becomes the first black person to fly solo around the world. After all that he becomes a rreal pilot and creates a program for high school and middle school students that want careers to do with piolting.
The second section Testing, Testing! is about a lady named Capt. Heather Ross, she is a tester pilot for her company that makes plane and plane crap. She flys 9-10 hours a day depending on what she is testing. She says" there are alot of opportunies in the aviation bussiness". She also says its good to take all the required classes in high school.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Prescription for Success!

This article is just about the different kind of jobs you can get when you go into pharmacy kinda stuff ya know what i mean! They actually have a little cute interview going on in the article also. They ask different questions about her job. I think that working in a pharmacy is very hard and confusing it weird i think. And gay! The best part of this job is i think helping the elders ;) and you know show them what to do with there drugs. Some of them probably got outrageous questions about why i work there but other than that it's ALL good!

Game on!

The wonderful life of making atesting video games. This article tells about the different jobs that are open to the public. they say that most students that come in colleges to get gamer degrees to get jobs ffrom differnet companies that higher students. The most teens that come in to college and want to become gamers are mostly gamers that play the games. Tehe gamer age goes up to 33 years old so som eold farts love to play video games. The salary or the pay of become one of these gamers or designers are 65k a year. They actaully have tournaments in far east countries. This career is probably the hardest, easiest career to get.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gobs of Green Jobs

This article is just about the jobs people can get when they go green and stuff. It talks about different jobs that help the community and at the same time save the world. Some of the jobs I would be interested in doing is a Conservation biologists and a Alternative energy specialists. One of the jobs I think I would like is the conservation biologists because I would be helping the little animals and the plants from harmful toxic material that probably found in a dump or a old abandoned house out in middle of nowhere. I think that more of the people in the U.S.A. are going green because of the jobs helping the earth are just going up like crazy. The more people get jobs and go green I think the better the world will be.

But most of all I think this article is about the people and there cool butt jobs that help the world. In the last part of the article they talk about how the future and the green jobs will be more different then the ones they got today. They said that in the future they well have brand new jobs and technicians that any of them has ever dream about.
