


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

'Net Working

Thus article was about a musician that goes on the internet to find jobs and get gigs at different places and they also got in to getting jobs on the internet. They told stories about different other people and how they'd got a job on the internet, the job corp. asks for your own website that you created but they said you gotta check out the hobbies and all that first. They told a story about this guy that tried to get a job but the company when to his website and saw his hobbies and it said smokin' blunts with the homies so he didn't get the job. They said you shouldn't put that kinda stuff on your website mostly when your trying to get a job. So Thats all i have to say bout this stuff so see YA laater Peace!!!......DGKChase


baller 14 said...

damn troy can i steal ur work...well payce nice blog too

-:-dRiX-:- said...

wow i see u like to write haha! well cool blogg yo!! peace out!!