This is article is about vets that take care of bigger animals like horses cows. They tell about a guy that is helping a horse recover from a unsuccessful birth when her baby got stuck while she was giving birth. They said that the horses have a chemical that releases when they feel pain to make em' chill so they can stay still. He said he had a bad experience with horses when one just freaked out! and went krazy. so he gets hit with a hoof and falls down. thats when he learns that even when a horse is train they can still freak out and go krazy. They were also talking about how they treat any kinda animal big or small. thats pretty cool and they make good pay. The average students graduating from vet school is 2,700 a year. So the people wanting to become vets are actually pursuing there dreams and following them little kids HAHA! jk The the pay is pretty nazoni! SO MAYBE imma become a vet. Still deciding yo :) i just dont wanna get kick in the head like that dude did. idk! but im sure to keep you guys updated. so Peace Nukka!
Goood Work.
good artical
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